August 31, 2012

UTMB Race Updates

Hanging w/ fellow blogger Jukka (paleo-runner) before UTMB/CCC
According to the UTMB website, they will be sending updates on runners via Twitter. I've added the link to Twitter here to the right which should provide updates on my progress throughout the race. I say should in italics because I'm in France and nothing can be taken for granted. Click on Join the Conversation or Wcooperjr1 to link to the Twitter site. 

It's going to be a cold one and they are recommending four layers of clothing. Have you ever worn, let alone run, in four layers of clothing? Jukka (above) is from Finland and says this really isn't a run. It's more of a hiking adventure, particularly with these conditions. My strategy? Keep moving...forward that is. 




Awake My Sole said...

I'm a Iowa runner. I try to restrain from running on treadmills during the winter when it reaches frigid blizzard temps. This year, I'm on a journey through the state of Iowa. Was blessed with a negative degree running day back in February. Was wearing 5 layers of clothing.

I'm curious, would you rather run in extreme heat or extreme cold?

I choose cold because you can always ADD clothing, however with extreme heat, you can only take off so many layers.

Looking forward to following your blog in the future. Great posts.


Unknown said...

Hope you've got your ultrapermeated-breathable-waterproof-ripstop-alpaca-lined-GPS-compatible-ultralight-all-weather-Gore-Tex jacket.

And a nice crew person to hand you a beer at the end.

Anonymous said...

Holy Shit.....course record !!!!!

Jukka Kukkonen said...

It was awesome to see you finish in Chamonix. Man you were flying! Good job Will.