August 28, 2012

UTMB Weather Warning

Within an hour of arriving at Chamonix I received this text message from the UTMB website:

"Attention! Weather forecast: rain, snow at 2000m, wind, cold. Temperatures dropping to -5 C (9 degrees below freezing). Have winter clothing."

This is going to be an adventure! 


Cory Reese said...

I've been watching some videos of that race. The scenery is incredible (and slightly terrifying). Good luck, have fun, and don't become a popsicle!

Rachel said...

yikes! stay warm!

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Well we know what to do in a situation like this: GET TO DA CHOPPA! :)

Seriously, the latest weather reports at,11,en.html don't look quite as horrible to me. The problem here is the weather might change in an instant. Warm clothes would be probably useful at some point. Let's hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

Will Cooper said...

Trail plodder are you in chamonix?

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Yes. How about a rendezvous in front of Hotel Alpina today (Thursday)? Tell me what time.

Will Cooper said...

how about 3 pm? (15:00)

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Ok 1500

Will Cooper said... we have to carry our passport during the race? I've asked two people and gotten two different responses.

Jukka Kukkonen said...

Yes. UTMB rules on their website lists obligatory material. There they mention "Required by frontier police forces: identity papers". They won't normally ask for your passport, but you might need it if something special happens. We run in three different countries. I'll carry it in a ziplock bag, and put some money in there too just in case.

Rís said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You make sense out of the most complex topics.
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