June 6, 2011

Burning At Both Ends

After running the Bishop High Sierra 100k two weeks ago I was feeling pretty good about my conditioning, as well as my preparation for the San Diego 100 miler this weekend. But after catching a stubborn cold a week ago my confidence has been facing a stiff headwind. A cold in June? Yes.  I hate colds. What I hate more catching three colds in the last six months.  I don't remember the last time I had more than one cold in a year. Then again I don't remember ever training for and racing 6 ultras totaling 412 miles in six months. Did I mention I also have a job and a family? Yes, my candle is burning at both ends.

What I’m realizing is that I can’t take my health for granted, particularly now when I'm pounding my body like I am.  I’ve also learned that the little things—like good nutrition, adequate recovery and lots of sleep—are irreplaceable.  I’ve overlooked some of these and my immune system has paid price. Knowing this I'm going to do a few things differently now. Like not waiting until I'm sick to take vitamins and drink lots of water. Or trying to get my miles back up the week after finishing a 50 miler or 100k. Or not slowing down the social calendar when I really need the sleep. All common sense stuff, but stuff that leads to common mistakes. 

I'm looking forward to my next two races. Both 100 milers, and both within my grasp. As long as the candle doesn't burn me! 


Rachel said...

sometimes i think the feedback from our bodies is far more important than the feedback from our heads, we just have to listen! hope you ditch the cold soon and good luck on the last two big ones!

Will Cooper said...

Rachel, like I told my father yesterday, we know our bodies more than doctors do. and yes, we do need to listen to them!

it's all about pace said...

enjoy some rest... and your races

EricG said...

I know how you feel Will. You no what you need better than anyone so do it and then kick some ass this weekend. Keep moving forward. Peace E

Emz said...

You. are. freaking. awesome.

loving your "schedule". [2] 100 milers.

I. am. jealous.

Unknown said...

Feel better soon!!! It's always good to listen to your body.

Will Cooper said...

Thanks all. Feeling better now...after a few good nights sleep, a little tapering etc. getting anxious now...!

shannon said...

Colossal achievement - 6 ultras in 6 months! Let me just say, "You are amazing, Will"!

I think a lot of avid runners continually test the limits of their bodies. However, three colds in six months may be an indication that you are overtraining. So, my humble advice: take your vitamins by the handful, get lots of sleep, and show 'em all how it's done at San Diego 100! :)

Rís said...

You're an inspiration Will - if I were training for one 100 miler I'd be sick for weeks!


Great job listening to your body. Looks like you're already feeling better after ONLY a few nights sleep. Quick recovery!! Good luck on your next run.

Edward Platz said...

I'd like to note that not everybody can achieve what you just did.
Your body will tell you what you need to know and what you need to do.
Many times we make the mistake of not listening or ignoring "the voice"...