I came across this analysis of various races and their relative difficulty from realendurance.com. Very revealing and seems in line from my experience at San Diego and Western States. I'm about to find out about Angeles Crest 100. Three weeks and counting...
Relative Event Finish Time to Western States 100 Mile.
Sample Criteria:Same individual completed the listed event and one of the following 100 mile run in the SAME YEAR: Western States, Vermont, Leadville, Angeles Creset, Wasatch, Kettle Moraine, Hardrock, Rocky Raccoon, and Mohican.
The relative percentage is first averaged over the samples for each 100 mile reference, then normalized to Western States, then averaged over the nine 100 mile runs listed.
The relative uncertainy of the analysis is porportional to 1/sqrt(sample size).
Dist. Rel to Sample Event Name WS100 Size 135m 157% 133 BadWater Ultra Marathon 100m 155% 904 Hard Rock 100 Mile 100m 131% 58 HURT Trail 100 Mile 100m 117% 3279 Wasatch Front 100 Mile 100m 113% 45 Mount Rushmore Trail 100 Mile 100m 113% 115 Bear 100 Mile 100m 112% 90 Bighorn Mountain Trail Run 100m 111% 396 Massanutten Mountain Trails 100 Mile 100m 108% 14 Tahoe Rim Trail 100 miles 100m 108% 2156 Angeles Crest 100 Mile 100m 107% 12 Grand Teton Races 100m 100m 106% 79 Superior Sawtooth 100 Mile 100m 105% 80 Cascade Crest 100 Mile 100m 103% 4508 Leadville Trail 100 Miles 100m 100% 7497 Western States 100 Miles 100m 99% 79 San Diego 100 Mile 100m 96% 46 McNaughton Park Trail Runs 100m 93% 72 Rio Del Lago 100 Mile 100m 93% 41 Ancient Oaks 100 100m 91% 66 Haliburton Forest 100 100m 90% 984 Mohican Trail 100 Mile 100m 89% 108 Javelina Jundred 100 Mile 100m 88% 341 Old Dominion 100 Mile One Day 100m 88% 34 SULPHUR SPRINGS 100 Mile 100m 88% 451 Arkansas Traveller 100 Mile 100m 88% 628 Kettle Moraine 100 mile 100m 84% 3533 Vermont Trail 100 Miles 100m 84% 91 Heartland 100 Mile 100k 81% 68 HURT Trail 100k option 100m 81% 281 Umstead 100 Mile 100m 81% 1654 Rocky Raccoon 100m 100m 80% 41 Old Dominion 100 mile Memorial Day 100m 76% 22 Dan Rossi Memorial Ultras 140m 66% 17 IronMan CoeurdAlene 140m 61% 20 IronMan Canada 200m 60% 8 Mt Tam Double Century 100k 58% 45 Where's Waldo 100K 200m 57% 14 The Terrible Two 100k 53% 97 Bandera 100km 140m 53% 25 IronMan Wisconsin 50m 48% 332 Zane Grey 50 Miles 140m 47% 28 IronMan USA Lake Placid 100k 46% 1052 Miwok 100K 140m 46% 35 IronMan Florida 100k 46% 42 Kettle Moraine 100k option 140m 46% 14 IronMan Hawaii World Championship 50m 40% 99 Bishop High Sierra 50 Miles 50m 40% 70 Tahoe Rim Trail 50 Miles 52m 39% 340 Sierra Nevada 100k 39% 144 Ruth Anderson 100k 100k 39% 7 Orange Curtain 100k 50m 37% 229 White River 50 Miles 50m 36% 340 Silver State 50 Miles 50m 36% 528 Quicksilver 50 Mile 50m 36% 425 FireTrail 50 Miles 50m 36% 80 Run on the Sly 50 Miles 50k 35% 338 Silver State 50k 50m 35% 342 Nugget 50 Miles 50m 35% 19 Mt Hood PCT 50 Miles 50m 35% 369 Leona Divide 50 Mile Run 50m 35% 147 Umstead 50 Miles 50m 34% 536 California 50 Miles 35m 34% 84 Santa Barbara 9 Trails 35 Mile 50m 33% 2568 American River 50 Miles 50m 33% 52 McKenzie River 50 Miles 50m 32% 414 Avalon 50 Miles 50m 32% 41 Rocky Raccon 50 Miles 50k 31% 203 Baldy Peak 50k 50m 31% 163 Helen Klein 50 Miles 50m 30% 114 Cow Mountain 50 Miles 50k 30% 64 Tahoe Rim Trail 50k 50m 30% 372 Jed Smith 50 Miles 50k 28% 16 Bishop High Sierra 50 Mile and 50 Km 38m 28% 26 Haleakala Run to the Sun 50m 28% 20 Ruth Anderson 50 Miles 50k 28% 37 Mt. Disappointment 50 Km 50k 25% 12 Nugget 50 Miles 50k 24% 411 Ohlone Wilderness 50K Trail Run 50k 23% 253 Crown King Scramble 50k 50k 23% 195 McDonald Forest 50K 71m 23% 31 WildFlower Long Course Triathlon 50k 23% 7 Bighorn Mountain Trail Run 50k 23% 76 Run on the Sly 50 Km 34m 22% 36 Peterson Ridge Rumble 60k 50k 22% 219 Golden Gate Headlands 50k 50k 22% 58 Bandera 50k 50k 22% 53 Bulldog 50K Ultra Run 28m 22% 687 Quad Dipsea 50k 21% 43 Siskiyou Out Back 50K 50k 21% 81 Chuckanut 50k 71m 21% 27 California Half Ironman 50k 20% 297 Quicksilver 50K 50k 20% 13 Ruth Anderson 50k 50k 20% 512 Skyline 50k 50k 20% 1392 Way Too Cool 50k 50k 19% 73 Hagg Lake Trail Runs 50k 50k 19% 5 Wild Wild West 50k 50k 19% 36 McKenzie River 50k 50k 18% 301 OTHTC High Desert Ultra 50k 50k 17% 31 Helen Klein 50k 50k 17% 38 Salem Lakeshore Frosty Fifty Km 50k 17% 384 Jed Smith Ultra Classic 50K 45m 12% 14 Santa Barbara Long Course Triathlon A general trend can be observed below: From 50 km to 100 mile, factor is 4 to 6. From 50 mile to 100 mile, factor is 2.5 to 3.5
I didn't see the Arrowhead 135 on your list; I wonder how this would compare in difficulty. The race is held on January 31st in Northern Minnesota when temperatures can dip to -30F.
Shannon, I don't know why that race isn't included. you might want to reach out to realendurance.com to have them add it.
Now that my friend, is a Bucket List. E
It can't really have effect, I believe this way.
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