June 2, 2010

Snow Year at Western States?

After enduring a rather wet winter here in California, I’ve been anxiously watching the snow levels in Squaw Valley. With only 24 days before the start of Western States, its looking more likely, if not certain, that we will be running a significant portion of the first 30 miles of the course in snow. Gulp!

How many miles will we be on snow? Not sure, but race officials sent the following email to race participants…."How many miles of snow should we expect on race weekend? We should have a better idea what the race weekend snow conditions will be by June 19th. We'll share that information with you when we have it. Ultimately, we take whatever the mountain gives us.”

Note: italics provided by this blogger for emphasis. We take whatever the mountain gives us. Doesn’t that sound cool!? Wow, now I feel like the Marlboro man getting ready for an assault on some remote peak in the Punjab province! What I really am is a skinny old man trying to get from a posh ski resort to a quaint town named Auburn.

With 78 inches of snow remaining at the top of Squaw as recently as two days ago, my guess for race day is, well, snow. What does that mean? I’m not quite sure. I haven’t done any meaningful runs on snow, so I’m about to find out. I guess I’ll take whatever the mountain gives me!


Tony Lafferty said...

It is gonna be a snow year...Squaw even was open for skiing last weekend as we ran through the snow...I am also thinking its a boat year as well...We just have to take what the day gives us and enjoy the cool stuff before we head into the heat of the canyons...see you on the line...
Tony Lafferty

Will Cooper said...

Tony, I just read Thornly's blog and he has some amazing photo's of the snow last weekend. It indeed is going to be a snow year!

Tony Lafferty said...

Hi Will...Craig's images are the ones I borrowed for my site...it is gonna be snowy for sure. I only wish I can tell you how to get through it fast and easy...its hard to move through. My hamstrings where a bit tight getting through it kinda like sand on the beach. We just have to deal with this..all part of how each year is different and makes for good stories...


Asha said...

30 miles in the snow... You people amaze me!

Will Cooper said...

Ahsa...thanks, but it will be the next 70 miles that will get interesting.