February 8, 2012

Wasatch Front 100 or UTMB in France?

Wasatch course (photo Matt Galland)
Now its decision time. Do I run UTMB August 31 in Europe, or Wasatch Front 100 miler in Utah the first weekend in September? I just got accepted to run Wasatch. So now I'm in a predicament. Run UTMB, one of the hardest races in Europe if not the world with 31,000 feet of climbing, or Wasatch with a mere 26,882 feet of climbing but a much higher elevation? Why not run both? Keep an open mind, right? I would only have to run 203 miles and climb over 57,000 feet in one week. Why not just throw in another race the week after just for grins. Yea, right!

I'm not sure what to do, but I am sure I'll have to pick one or the other. I'm leaning towards Wasatch. UTMB sounds like an amazing event, but it also brings some serious logistics with travel and family. My kids will already be in school so that might mean I have to go solo. Wasatch is an hour flight from where I live. I've wanted to do this race since I started running ultras four years ago. Decisions, decisions!

What would you do?      


Paulie B said...

I always vote local. The only races I do away from home are because friends or family live there. Thats my $0.02.

Jukka Kukkonen said...

I'd choose Wasatch now as it's less travel, and maybe think about UTMB next year.

EricG said...

Wow, tought decision Will. Can't go wrong either way. Having family there is the decision maker for me. Peace E

Ultra Monk said...

Go for a real challenge:
Silverton 1000

Chris Price said...

What a great problem to have!

My buddy Eric Wickland ran Wasatch last year and loved it, sounds brutal. Here's a sick video he sent me of miles 55-80 in reverse:


Which race is harder to get into?

See you at Old Goats.

Good luck making a decision!

Ian gallagher said...

Not a bad problem to have

Both races sound awesome. Either way your onto a winner!

Cory Reese said...

Come to Utah!

Will Cooper said...

All great comments guys...it might even come down to a flip of a coin!

Anonymous said...

if you need a pacer hop the pond and i'm in !

Anonymous said...

might want to attend the one known to be harder to get accepted...?

Anonymous said...

Bucket List Will - go to France