October 23, 2017

Your Seed

What if I were to tell you that you and your thoughts are controlled? That the desires and feelings you have are being directed by something – or someone – other than you? Seem absurd? Maybe, but then again, reality does have a way of disappointing us. Which is why most of us live in our own altered form of it.

Think about it this way. What if your thoughts were a tree that grew atop an open field? Would they be free from the elements? Would wind, rain, drought or fire have any influence on them? Most importantly, if you were a tree, would it matter where your seed was buried?

Still with me? If you are, you’re probably having a hard time imagining a tree, let alone how your thoughts could have anything to do with one. This is why I included the picture. Do you think this tree would be shaped differently if it were protected from the wind? If it were not in an open field? Do you think your thoughts would be different if you changed your daily routine? Changed what you read and listen to?

We are nothing more than our thoughts, which control our actions. So shouldn’t we want to understand our thoughts? Or better yet, regain control of them?

If I handed you a seed, and that seed was to grow into a large tree representing your thoughts and ideas, where would you plant it? Would it be in front of a television and computer? Inside a novel or music hall? Would you want it to be around other plants that were green and growing? Or ripe and rotting?

What we read, watch, listen to, discuss, learn and ponder are what we eventually come to believe. Who we become to be.

Where is your seed buried?

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