December 22, 2011

The Longest Night

Good news northern hemisphere runners! We have, as of today, finally reached the shortest day of the year (and the longest night!). The northern hemisphere is at its most extreme angle -23.5 degrees - away from the sun. Now each day will be a little longer than the last, for a few months anyway.  Don't forget your flashlight for after work runs. I've been running under the stars lately, and enjoying switching between Radiohead's music and the audio book the Shining by Steven King on my Iphone. If I can survive this morose combo I'm sure to have nothing but sunshine to look forward to.

As for you southern hemisphere runners, enjoy the summer while you will soon be ours again!



Asha said...

The Shining. At night? Alone? You're either crazy (and being an ultra runner there's probably evidence to back that up) or have no fear (also evidence for that as well, I suppose). Fun info about the day.

EricG said...

Crazy for sure! My wife and I were just discussing how excited we were about the longer days to come. I love all days but prefer them when they are light out. Happy Holidays Will! Peace E

Cory Reese said...

Thank goodness! I am ready to start getting some more daylight. That is quite the listening material for solo night runs!

it's all about pace said...

I too.. am a Radiohead fan

Michael Taricani said...

I can't do books while running. Music or nothing. On the day length....this year it hasn't affected me at all. I decided I would run anytime in any weather and So far not a problem. I look like a Christmas tree in the early morning with my red strobe, flashlight, and reflectors. But hey...everyone sees me.

Will Cooper said...

yes it is a little scary out there in the dark listening to a guy slip slowly into a state of insanity. the winter son casts a big shadow.

The Running Robot said...

Hi. Nice blog, you have here. How do you read while you run? Wont you bump into lampost or something?

buy hgh said...

Hands down, Apple's app store wins by a mile. It's a huge selection of all sorts of apps vs a rather sad selection of a handful for Zune. Microsoft has plans, especially in the realm of games, but I'm not sure I'd want to bet on the future if this aspect is important to you. The iPod is a much better choice in that case.

alexjackson1976gmail said...

Well, let's all prepare for the incoming long night. I am feel not too good in dark that's why I am going to gather more batteries for artificial lights. Thanks for the reminder! DUB turbo