Yesterday I was out for a medium distance run in El Moro state park. As I was running along a single track section I turned a corner and whoa! Boy was I close to treading on this girl! At first I thought she was dead because she was completely still, but then I noticed her tongue slithering in and out of her mouth. I quickly pulled out my camera and starting shooting in high speed burst mode to capture any movement. I don't think she wanted to be on camera because as soon as started filming she began rattling rather loudly and quickly made her way to the bushes.
Here is what I saw.
That is one big snake! Wow. Glad you didn't step on it... I've almost stepped on a couple at Lake Murray. I hear their population is growing, but who knows if that's true.
yikes! close call!
Wow. That's a big one. I nearly stepped on a baby in Death Valley back in July and that scared me. Cool video.
I love it that your first reaction was to reach for your camera! Most other people would have pooped themselves and ran the other way.
Tread carefully
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